Why is my Check Engine Light On?

Why is My Check Engine Light On? If you’ve ever been driving and noticed your check engine light start to blink, you know it can be alarming. Let’s break down what it means when that light starts blinking and what it signifies when it shifts to a steady glow. Understanding Your Check Engine Light: Blinking vs. Steady Blinking Check Engine Light: What’s the Deal? A blinking check engine light is a clear signal that something serious is happening under the hood. Most commonly, it indicates an engine misfire, which can lead to significant damage if left unchecked. If you see that blinking light, it’s crucial to take action immediately. Pull over safely and refrain from driving until the issue is resolved. Steady Check Engine Light: Time to Take Action When the blinking light transitions to a steady glow, it doesn’t mean the problem has disappeared. Instead, it suggests that while the issue may not be immediately critical, it’s still present and needs attention. This steady light ofte...